Antracol is a broad-spectrum fungicide containing 70% Probineb WP, which is used to control various fungal diseases on different types of crops.
Probineb contains zinc, which has a greening effect on crops. It protects the crops and helps to increase their growth.
Propineb 70% WP
It is a broad-spectrum fungicide.
Effective against diseases.
It can be applied through a spray
It is compatible with sticking agents.
Rain fastness leads to better efficacy.
It improves the immunity and health of the crops.
It also increases crop yield and crop production.
It is versatile as it can be used on various crops.
15 days
It depends on pest incidence or the severity of the disease.
Apple, Pomogranet, Potato, Tomato, Grapes :600gm/acre ; Chilli:1000gm/acre; Rice:600-800gm/acre; Cotton:500-600 gm/acre
Apple, Pomegranate, Potato, Chili, Tomato, Grapes, Rice
Apple: Scab
Pomegranate: Leaf/fruit spot
Potato: Early and late blight
Chilli: Dieback
Tomato: Buckeye rot
Grapes: Downey mildew
Rice: Brown leaf spot